Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is unique about Primetime Publicity?

Clients who meet three criteria may qualify for Pay-Only-For-Results Publicity©. These clients pay for media placements after they have been published or aired. Either we deliver publicity or the client does not pay. This system makes us fully accountable to our clients, and provides an extraordinary incentive for us to achieve spectacular results.

2. What are the criteria to qualify for Pay-Only-For-Results Publicity©?

(1) The client must have an information flow that Primetime can spin into stories of interest to the media. (2) Company spokespeople must be willing to cooperate with requests for media interviews, which at times arise on short notice. (3) Finally, the company must be willing and able to pay Primetime for media placements within 30 days of their being published or broadcast.

3. How does Primetime bill for its Pay-Only-For-Results Publicity© services?

An extensive rate card, Primetime's Media Schedule, lists the fees paid to Primetime of each print, broadcast and on-line media placement. Otherwise, Primetime charges project fees and/or hourly rates for a broad range of media relations services.

4. Where will my company's publicity appear?

Potential outlets are major network television programs, national newspapers and magazines, on-line news and information sites, as well as local broadcast and print publications. Primetime and the client decide jointly which media outlets will be in the client's Media Schedule.

5. Many PR firms help to provide print media placements but fail in their attempts to secure national television coverage. How likely is it that Primetime will be able to secure coverage on national television?

Primetime's former television journalists know how to package information so as to increase the likelihood that television media will want to use it.

6. While I'm working with Primetime, may I also employ other public relations professionals?

Yes, Primetime can complement your in-house/outside PR efforts. In fact, a joint working relationship can be a synergistic one. Primetime will simply confine its approaches to those client-approved media outlets listed in the Media Schedule.

7. Will advertising get my message across better?

No, because by its very nature, advertising is not objective and hence less credible to those it seeks to convince. Research completed by Professor Michael Ray, Ph.D., of Stanford University's Department of Communications, indicates that potential customers believe the same information about a product or service to be far more credible when presented in an editorial format compared to an advertisement. In addition, the practice of fast-forwarding through television commercials is so pervasive, that many viewers simply avoid advertising altogether. Conversely, a client's message in the editorial portion of a broadcast or publication does reach its target audience, for it is part and parcel of the reason people tuned in to the program or read the story in the first place.

8. Why does Primetime mainly employ former journalists rather than career publicists?

Former journalists understand the criteria, methods and processes that working journalists use. That is why most Primetime representatives come from the front ranks of American journalism. They know how the media think. Amidst the barrage of press releases flung at the media, Primetime's story suggestions stand out as fact-filled, reliable, and, in effect, one journalist giving another a good story lead.

9. Are you implying that Primetime's representatives can control the media?

No, editorial coverage is not for sale. But well-presented, accurate information can find a market on its own merits. Top media decision-makers find that what emanates from Primetime is both well researched and tailored to their readers or broadcast audience.

10. What other services does Primetime provide?

For reasonable fees, Primetime will provide strategic planning and positioning (corporate, product, technology, service, pre-IPO, mergers, acquisitions); analyst liaison; crisis communications; creative media concepts; press tours and conferences; event planning and execution; writing and editing (press kits and releases, company backgrounders, executive biographies, white papers, speeches, collateral materials including ad copy); media training and interview workshops, and various other services. We are also a turn-key resource for graphic designers, Web site designers, printers, photographers and all pertinent vendors. See our List of Services page.

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